Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kosher Jesus

America's Rabbi Shmuley Boteach has come out with a new book "Kosher Jesus".  This book has created quite a stir in the Jewish community.  They are angry with Rabbi Boteach for publishing this book.  Check out this link to the Anti Missionary organization, "Jews for Judaism"(this organization was founded as a reaction to Jews for Jesus.)  http://www.jewsforjudaism.ca/resources-info/response-to-shmuley-boteach-s-kosher-jesus here you can gain a bit of understanding as to why the Jewish community is upset with Boteach.

On March 13th Dr. Michael Brown (a Jewish Believer in Jesus) and Rabbi Boteach participated in a lively debate in Manhattan.  This wasn't their first debate. In fact Dr. Brown has been debating Rabbi's on the topic of Jesus being the Jewish Messiah for years.  You can find videos of quite a few of these debates online.  A group of us from Jews for Jesus attended the debate along with many unsaved Jewish people.  Dr. Brown gave a very clear Gospel presentation.  Praise God for how He uses those who oppose Jesus to further the Gospel.

While we strongly disagree with Rabbi Boteach and don't want to support him with our money.  I confess to purchasing this book "Kosher Jesus".  Why?  For Table-top evangelism.  Another Jewish believer and I went to an Israeli restaurant for lunch and laid the book on the table.  We prayed God would give us opportunity to enter into a conversation.  And He did!  Because of the book sitting in plain view, the owner of the restaurant told us he went to Hebrew University with Rabbi Boteach in Jerusalem.  He also said, "He eats here"  "He always sits right there."  Eli pointed to a table in the back corner of the restaurant.  We had a good conversation about the Messiah-ship of Jesus and I challenged Eli to think for himself and told him where to find Messianic prophecies in his Jewish Bible.

Please pray that Eli and all those who hear the Gospel in spite of Rabbi Boteach's attempt to make Jesus  essentially, Rabbi Rambo, not God incarnate would consider the claims of the Biblical Jesus to the end that they will be saved!

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