Here is the New York City Library on 5th Avenue after our second snow storm of the season. This is where I (Shosh) go to prepare Bible Studies. It is only a 15 minute walk from our apartment, and much quieter. Currently I meet with four Jewish women weekly to study the Word of God and to learn how to apply the Word to everyday life.
One of these is a young lady by the name of Arielle. I began meeting with her last January. Arielle is the mother of twin boys who were born 3 months premature. They are now 2 1/2 years old. Both boys have serious medical needs and have been hospitalized most of their lives. Tidus is still in the hospital while his brother, Zachary has been home now for almost 6 months. Arielle has a long road ahead. She is also starting college this semester.
Here are some prayer request:
1. Healing for Tidus from recent brain surgery.
2. Upcoming surgery for Zachary to have his trachea removed
3. Housing for Arielle and Zachary in a Christian community
4. That Arielle will continue to trust God for all things
Arielle Handing out Broadsides |